Certificate in Psychosynthesis Integration

Following on from the Essentials of Psychosynthesis, this program is designed to help participants review their own life journey through the lens of Psychosynthesis. Engagements in individual and collective processes allow each person their unique perspective and insights, and provide the opportunity to explore how best this learning may be applied within the context of personal and group mind.

With the support, shared insight and encouragement of the facilitated group setting, the year balances experiential exercises with opportunities for reflective dialogue and private insight. Participants will become more familiar with the concept of “aligning and directing Will” in order to become more effective at achieving purpose and experiencing being steady in the unfolding flow of life, rather than pushed and pulled by apparently conflicting forces.

Course Content

  • The Making of Meaning

    Reflections on life’s patterns and cycles

  • Being and Becoming

    How personality and identity arise as a dynamic process of relationship with, and organisation of, internal and external information and frameworks

  • The art of Identifying and Dis-identifying

    Non-attachment and freedom

  • Nature of Will

    The evolution, levels and aspects of Will; personal access to Will, which in turn allows for the recognition of and participation with Will as a transpersonal and universal phenomenon

  • Spontaneity and Right Relating

    Developing spontaneity, aliveness and connection within and between individuals

  • Rhythms and Crises of Self-realisation

    4 day Residential Retreat at the end of the year

Course Duration

There are 9 monthly reflective weekends through the year plus a 5 day residential retreat at the end of the year.

Each weekend of this powerful year of personal development builds on the others to create a coherent body of experiential learnings, which can be integrated into daily life and relationships.

Integration is further enhanced through mid-month tutorials and short, written assignments. Participants are also expected to work with a Psychosynthesis practitioner to deepen their awareness of their own psychodynamic processes and their understanding and confidence with the work.

The Certificate in Psychosynthesis Integration is the initial, personal development stage of the proposed five year Diploma in Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy. As of November 2018 PBANZ has accepted the Psychosynthesis South Pacific Trust’s (PSPT) proposal for a Diploma in Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy under their grand-parenting arrangement. 

The Certificate in Psychosynthesis Integration can also be taken as a stand-alone, psychologically informed foundational course in Psychosynthesis for those who do not wish to pursue the full clinical training.

The Essentials of Psychosynthesis is a pre-requisite for the Certificate in Psychosynthesis Integration.